Frequently Asked Questions

  • Confused about Chiropractic?

Chiropractic Physicians are Primary Care Specialists of the Spine. Chiropractic medicine is a legitimate science dating back to 1894 performed first by DD Palmer. Chiropractic medicine legitimized itself through licensure, and is a recognized doctorate in the United States of America, and widely recognized around the world. Doctors of Chiropractic are regulated by a National Board of Chiropractic Examiners as well as State Boards for each of the 50 states. Chiropractic focuses on the neurology of the body and how that physiologically affects the musculoskeletal system in a pain management clinical setting. Doctors of  Chiropractic have accomplished an accredited medical grad school program of at least 3-5 years and are required to have undergraduate degrees or requirements. meaning it can take doctors up to 10 years to accomplish their degrees.   
The spine homes the nerves of the nervous system, meaning to address the nervous system at the root of the problem. Chiropractic Physicians administer a high velocity (quick) low impact (light) force to the joint in a specific direction of joint physics in need of motion to restore neurotransmitter conduction from the spinal cord to the brain, thus allowing the brain to send proper descending conduction back down to the body without interference, which has been scientifically researched to improve range of motion, reduce pain syndromes and resolve many biomechanical, viscero-somatic, somatic-visceral conditions.  
  • Will I have to keep getting adjusted forever?
Much like getting an oil change to your vehicle, it’s important to conceptualize that your body is the only car you are driving for your entire life span. Self care means getting the tires rotated. There are patterns that create disfunction whether it is posture, job duties or old injuries that create a cascade effect on your health. Preventing pain is the goal of Chiropractic, and to Keep your pain away through patient education and rehab to allow the patient the muscle memory to achieve long lasting results and a healthy functional body. 
Through exercises the nervous system can adapt and change to allow better muscle memory to restore proper function or posture to the axial skeleton and allow patients to be relieved from pain syndromes. 
  • Should I get a massage or an adjustment first?

    There is no wrong order; however, there is a difference in why you may do one before the other. Massage gets the blood flowing to the tissues, muscles are like sponges, they want to be nice and hydrated. Increased blood flow will help reduce the spasm and tension creating relief from pain. Getting a massage before you adjustment is beneficial if you are notoriously tense. The bones of the skeleton and joints will be easier to move if the tissues surrounding the area aren’t guarding against your Chiropractic Physician. 
    Muscle memory matters folks! Getting massaged after or between adjustments will help the nervous system learn to let go of patterns. Maintenance care is extremely important and highly emphasized by LFNV. 
  • Is it safe for children to get adjusted?

YES! It is completely safe for children and mothers pregnant to get adjusted by a Chiropractic Physician. Unless otherwise specified by an OBGYN or pediatrician. Children are growing at a rapid rate, their skeletal system needs to be adjusted frequently to alleviate them of  dysfunctional patterns and kinks in this growth process as the human spine is growing until the age of 25 years old. Scoliosis screening should be done by puberty to screen if there is a congenital abnormality in the normal spinal curves as Scoliosis worsens through puberty if not managed. Mothers, pregnancy creates laxity of the ligaments and hyper-mobility of the pelvis not to mention trauma to mother and baby. It is important to get the pelvis in line prior to labor as it allows the pelvis to be nice and open and for the ligaments to do their job and can cut hours off of labor time. As well as post-partum repair of misalignment and potential pelvic dysfunction of uterine or bladder incontinence. 
  • Is it safe to get adjusted??

YES. As long as you have been properly screened for red flags or contra-indications (non adjustable conditions) —Your Chiropractic Physician is trained to know the way the joints move, how to move them in the best way possible to reduce any negative sheered force or injury to the patient and will allow the finesse of the movement to be the secret ingredient not forceful motion. You will be completely informed of what is to be expected and talked through the motion for your safety and comfortability. 
  • My adjustments never seem to hold or my problem returns, why?

    Muscle memory matters folks! 
    Getting massaged after or between adjustments will help the nervous system learn to let go of patterns. Exercise and rehab will also activate new learning connections in the nervous system to successfully allow the body to stop bad patterns /habits, help improve your posture and help you move in better ways to avoid injury. 
    Maintenance care via massage, exercise/rehab and regular consistency in adjustments are extremely important in preventing pain or keeping it away— and these self care methods are highly emphasized by LFNV for optimal musculoskeletal wellness. 
  • What is Cupping?

Cupping is an Eastern (Asia) medicine technique that is over 3,000 years old. The scientific benefits to cupping muscle is the increase in blood flow to the area rinses out stagnant muscle of inflammatory particles, refreshes the muscle with fresh nutrients in the blood, can encourage the body to create new capillary beds to permanently improve the circulation and blood flow to that muscle, reduce the spasm or tension with rehydration of the muscle as well as reduce the pulling that muscles do to bone which allows your adjustment to hold longer, to increase your range of motion and to help reduce the problem from being as tense or painful.